Spying on residents would set intrusive precedent

Airborne monitoring of households not the way to go in city

Re: City of Victoria’s new ‘stormwater utility’

A City of Victoria engineer told councillors that residential property owners may eventually have their properties photographed from the air.

Does the City of Victoria already have ‘sustainable stormwater drones’ ready to do the aerial spying on its own residents’ private property?

Inquiring minds demand to know the truth, as such intrusive surveillance of private property is clearly a tyrannical invasion of citizens’ privacy and private property rights. The inflationary tax burden on residential property owners in the city is already ‘unsustainable,’ to use their own lingo.

We already pay for so-called ‘stormwater’ on our annual inflated residential property tax bills.

This new move to separate those revenues from property tax bills and have them designated as a new ‘utility’ is nothing more than a new tax grab dressed up in the suspect lingo of the ‘sustainability’ cult.

The next step from these geniuses will be to concoct a phoney ‘public consultation process’ using the Delphi technique to give some people the false impression that their ideas are being seriously considered by the bureaucrats and politicians who are pushing this unsustainable high tax nonsense.

This is just one more example of how the Globalists’ UN-just Agenda 21 planetary planning nightmare contributes to the impoverishment of Victorians.

‘Sustainability’ is nothing more than Globalist tyranny and should be resisted by all informed responsible citizens in Victoria.

Gregory Hartnell


Victoria News