Stamp club provides support

The Penticton and District Stamp Club is making sure that stamp collectors can stay up to date and enjoy their hobby

Few people know that the beaver was displayed on Canada’s first stamp. On April 23, 1851, when Canada was not even a country, we made history by receiving the OK from the United Kingdom to have our own stamp and own postal service.

I am sure that stamp collecting started right at that time and is still a hobby that is loved by many Canadians. The Penticton and District Stamp Club is making sure that stamp collectors can stay up to date and enjoy their hobby by conducting and attending monthly meetings at the Penticton United Church at 696 Main St., the first Sunday of every month from 2-4 p.m. — guests are always welcome.

Many of our club members are regular contributors to our charity auctions and donate stamps and stamp material in order that we can auction off these items and give the proceeds to our chosen charities — The Moog House and the cancer society.

Lately we also have been collecting material of which the proceeds will go to the Penticton Regional Hospital. Donations from the public at large are always welcome and can be given to Gus Boersma, 2600 Cornwall Dr. or give him a call at 250-492-3875 or email him at

Gus Boersma, president


Penticton and District Stamp Club



Penticton Western News