Stampede not a priority

He must be wearing his chaps on backwards as he appears to have little feeling about the devastation

I could not believe my ears when a no- name Calgarian obviously lives high and dry has the Calgary Stampede as his high priority!

He must be wearing his chaps on backwards as he appears to have little feeling about the devastation — loss of life — homes  etc. by flooding that surrounds the site of the Calgary Stampede.

The man claims the abuse of horses must go on despite hell or high water which makes no horse sense to a Missouri mule yet alone the poor horses forced to participate in a death wish.

Great time to end animal misery and the controversial cruelty as the big flood just maybe, sent a message — pay back can be a bitch. How do you like cruelty delivered by a superior power  Mr. No — name?

Ted Azyan


Penticton Western News