Start pension changes at top – the MPs

Why not set an example by bringing in the changes to the pensions of the MPs as well as the cabinet ministers?

I was saddened like every other person of my age and income bracket when I heard that Stephen Harper’s government is going to raise the Old Age Security eligibility age from 65 to 67 or even longer.

Why not set an example by bringing in the changes to the pensions of the MPs as well as the cabinet ministers?

In six years, an MP will get a greater pension than an average Canadian worker will get after working his/her entire life.

If government policy advisers and caucus are sincere enough, then the changes should start from the top.

Does the prime minister not feel morally guilty that he is planning to deprive the seniors of their well-deserved benefits, while at the same time, most of the MPs will get a good pension funded by the same taxpayers who he is planning to deprive?

Honourable Prime Minister, your scheme to rob and pickpocket the seniors has been exposed and you have been caught red-handed.

You should now attempt to save the money from somewhere else; perhaps Canada should spend less money fighting other people’s wars (ie. Afghanistan).

You and your party should have been bold and honest enough before the last election to declare this secret agenda.

There is no shortage of dishonest, hypocritical and opportunistic politicians and leaders. Please know that you need not to be one of them.

Honourable Prime Minister, I urge you to gather the courage to rise above partisan politics, to stand up, and be brave and patriotic enough so as not to punish and rob seniors of their well-deserved right to their earned benefits in their twilight years.


Kalwant Singh Sahota


Surrey Now Leader