Station needed fresh start

Newcap will finally provide Penticton with an alternative listening choice

Finally a reason to tune into local radio.

That was my first thought when I heard that Newcap had bought Giant FM. This company will finally provide Penticton with an alternative listening choice. We deserve as much.

I have been enjoying the music adjustments so far and it will be interesting to see who takes over the announcing roles.

I was taken aback by all the negative reaction to the changes made last week. Even the mayor weighed in with his displeasure over the release of the four announcers. I’m not sure it is productive for the mayor to be criticizing the business decisions made by a company contributing to the local economy. After all, during the election, that was all anyone wanted to talk about.

Penticton needs new companies to invest their business dollars here.

Newcap has done just that. They paid dearly for the opportunity to own Giant FM. They have invested money in new office space, new equipment and soon they will invest in providing jobs for new talent. Newcap intends to build this radio station to be a leader in this community. While it is always a pity to see people lose their jobs, I completely understand the need for a fresh start. Given the options, I would have made the same decision.

Welcome to Penticton Newcap. I wish you well.

Rob Murphy





Penticton Western News