Station served community

These people are part of our families, and every morning we welcomed Dennis into our homes.

I am appalled by the way Dennis Walker and his colleagues were dismissed. These are professional people and should be treated as such.

These people are part of our families, and every morning we welcomed Dennis into our homes. He brought us news, weather, sports, road reports — accident reports that were so helpful to people on their way to work.

He brought us interesting stories about Critteraid and helped the lost and found pets. He had so many interesting interviews. It was an all-around community station that was listened to from north to south Okanagan and Similkameen. He gave so much of his time to the community and took an interest in everyone and everything. That was genuine.

Newcap said they found “a big” vocal demand for a new contemporary sounding country station. What a crock.

My dial has been tuned away from Giant and you can put your new station Newcap where the sun doesn’t shine.

To: Dennis, Kevin, Scott, Stu and Mary — you are greatly missed.

Darlene Dixon





Penticton Western News