Stay away from federal government survey

If you really want a say on voting reform, fill out Green Party survey

To the editor:

There is a survey from the government of Canada coming to your mailbox.

It is for you to give your opinion on voting reform. Don’t fill it out!

It is the worst survey I have ever seen.

It’s long, it asks questions that can be interpreted in any of many ways depending on what the government wants the consensus to be.

It gathers a bunch of personal information.

It won’t allow you to go back and change an answer.

You could fill it out 200 times if you wished to have “your vote really count,” and, wait for it – it gives you a cute little political horoscope at the end.

If you really want to tell the government what your views on voting reform are, take the survey at

No matter what your opinion is.

Laurie Embree

108 Mile Ranch

100 Mile House Free Press