Stay calm and slow down

Your life is too short. Stay calm and drive with common sense and responsibility.

Editor: On Saturday, April 18 at 11 a.m. on 48 Avenue at 217A Street, I am signalling to turn left.  An older red pickup truck is  speeding directly behind me, at about 80 km/h.

The 20-something male drove up onto the south sidewalk and new bike lane. He takes out three white pylons and passes me on the right. As I honk as a warning, he looks at me like a deer in the headlights.

What’s the hurry? Need to get down to the roundabout straight away? Only to jump on your brakes?

Two days before, there was a three-car pileup in the same area. A few years back, a lovely well-known elderly lady was killed walking east up the north sidewalk on 48 Avenue. There was the same bad attitude and judgment from that driver.

Your life is too short. Stay calm and drive with common sense and responsibility.

The Township also needs to put bright yellow speed bumps on 48 Avenue. As this area is never monitored by the RCMP, it’s time for safety improvements.

Kim Stordy,


Langley Times