Step up to help Colwood council

Re: Colwood remains in financial trouble, Letters, Nov. 30, 2011.

Re: Colwood remains in financial trouble,  Letters, Nov. 30, 2011.

It didn’t take long for the knives to come out in Colwood following the election. I refer to the letters on Nov. 30.

The election is now in the past, people voted for their preferences and if the sore losers still feel strongly about how things should be run in Colwood, they only have to refer to Page A10 in the same issue to see a request for advisory committee members.

There are 12 committees seeking representatives and this is one of the best ways to be involved in your community.      You have your choice of committee, everything from parks, recreation and culture to strategic and financial planning to community policing.

For those who feel Colwood’s finances would be better off in their hands, get on the financial planning committee and find out just how difficult it is on the other side of the table.

Pamela Jackson





Goldstream News Gazette