Stewards of more than our own species

We have developed the earth so much that we have destroyed a large part of the habitat of animals and plants

It is with sadness I read Dr. Robert Brown suggesting any land that is not being used for farming, grazing or “anything at all” should be developed for more housing.

We have developed the earth so much that we have destroyed a large part of the habitat of animals and plants and the Saanich Peninsula is no exception. We wonder why we have a prey animals (rabbit, deer) and why we are seeing more bear and cougar in our backyards. We try to treat habitat destruction and loss of predators with capture and slaughter instead of wildlife corridors and enough land that they can support themselves.

When did we forget that we are the stewards of the earth for all species, not just our own? We still need large tracks of wildness where the indigenous animals have room to live, feed and breed without being killed or trapped for being a nuisance. A small area of land requires a small human population to live comfortably within it. Humans are not the only important species on earth and, in fact, will not survive with the loss of the others. Land left to be wild is also being used.

Meg Lainson



Peninsula News Review