Stickle Road

A resident writes a letter to the premier of the province

Dear Premier Clark, I am writing this on behalf of not only myself but many other concerned citizens of Vernon.

The Stickle Road intersection is located just north of Vernon on Highway 97 and over the years, has seen serious and some fatal accidents.

The Ministry of Transportation has proposed to prevent southbound turns from Stickle Road back on to the highway, and instead, diverting them down a secondary business road, through an existing green park like walking area and creek and then  traffic would  have to either go through a heavily traveled business area or down an equally heavily traveled residential street to get back to the Highway 97. For a driver heading for points south of Vernon, this would be not only confusing but very disruptive.

I went to two public meetings held by the ministry to show their proposals. Many people attended and I didn’t meet one person that didn’t think that a traffic light or roundabout would not solve this problem and probably at lesser expense than the Ministry’s proposal.

The businesses around Stickle are against the proposal, the (taxpaying and voting) public in general that have written to our local newspaper are against the proposal, six of our city councillors are against the proposal. Strangely our mayor and MLA think it’s a good idea?

Could you please have a word with your minister and find out why they want to continue on this path knowing that the public is very much against them?

Robert Dilworth



Vernon Morning Star