Stolen equipment

It was with great disappointment that we realized a new ($1,000) piece of equipment has gone missing from our hospital

To the editor,

We are so disappointed.  Golden District Hospital, like all small community hospitals, is dependent on the generosity of the people in our communities to help support us with those little things that make it easier to provide quality care to our patients.  While Interior Health provides us all with budgets to use as we see the greatest priority for our communities, there are always more things we need/want than there is budget to purchase.  When we choose the things we need, we do it with care and thought and with the hope that having that piece of equipment will help us meet our standards of safe practice for our patients.

It was with great disappointment that we realized a new ($1,000) piece of equipment has gone missing from our hospital.  After extensive searching, it is clearly no longer in our possession.  It is small.  Easily removed.  And hugely important for us to listen to baby heart beats, and hear blood flowing through limbs that may have been damaged through traumas and injuries.

We are often very busy and don’t expect our equipment to be taken, so we may not have been as diligent as we now will be to ensure any more of our things don’t leave our possession.

The physicians and nurses at Golden District Hospital work very hard to provide this community with the best care we can.  That just got a little harder.

Please, if there is anyone out there who has seen our ‘doppler’,( it is small, fits in your hand) it amplifies the sound of heart beats and blood flows, it is used with a conducting gel (many bottles of that have gone missing as well) we are desperate to get it back.  We have notified the RCMP, but we would just be thrilled if it could find it’s way back home to us.  Thank you.



Deborah Austin

Director acute health services for Golden and Invermere


Golden Star