Stolen tire hardship for single mom

Cyclist learned that locking up her bike wasn't enough to keep her wheels rolling

Dear Editor,

I purchased a really nice commuter bike from my girlfriend who has a young family and no time to ride anymore.

I stopped in at the Timm’s recreation center to use the ladies room around 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, and I locked up my bike after asking a staff member if it would be safe, and I was told, “As long as it’s locked up.”

So I did, and when I was finished, I came back to find my bike was there, but the tire on it was stolen.

I went in, very upset, and when I asked to see video surveillance, they started giving me the run-around.

I was also told I might be able to get it replaced through the rec center, but when I asked about being covered for the replacement, I was brushed off again.

The only option discuss edwith with me was putting it in the underground where there are bike cages.

I wish they told me that to begin with.

I’m a single mom on a fixed income and can’t afford another tire.

I wasn’t able to go home with my bike on the bus, because of the missing tire. I had to contact a family member to come and pick me up.

Leslie Hunter, Fort Langley

Langley Times