Stop complaining and give a hand: A snow plow operator fires back

Stop complaining and give a hand: A snow plow operator fires back

People have absolutely no clue how difficult it is during winter weather events.

Re: “City’s snow response abysmal.”

I was a plow operator for many years with the City of Surrey and I take great offence by comments such as these.

People like this have absolutely no clue how difficult it is during snow events like we are having just to keep the main roads clear. The city has thousands of kilometres of roads and can’t possibly do all of them.

The plow drivers are working 12 hour days, seven days a week. Some of these guys and gals don’t even get a day off because they are working hard to keep the roads passable.

Driving a plow on streets while dealing with inconsiderate drivers blocking roads and driving without snow tires, and illegally parked or abandoned cars, puts a lot of physical and mental stress on these operators, who have in a lot of circumstances, given up their holiday time with family so you could get around to your turkey dinners.

I personally gave up more than one Christmas/New Year’s with my family over the past 26 years so the roads would be cleared.

I’m sorry that you are having trouble getting out of your cul-d-sac, but there are thousands of others in the same boat. How about getting everyone that lives in your cul-d-sac out with their shovels and do some extra clearing as a group? Also, get out and shovel off your sidewalks in front of your own house or business so the little old lady doesn’t fall. You would be amazed what you could do in a couple of hours. I know a lot of people who have done it.

The city is doing the best it can and have everything and everybody they have is out there working. I’m not writing here to praise the city alone for its efforts. It’s the drivers, operators and mechanics that deserve the biggest praise, as nothing would get done without their sacrifice of time, effort and dedication.

Stop complaining and get out and give a hand. A lot of hands can do wonders.

And while you’re at it, give a wave and a thumbs-up to the plow operators when you see them.


John Fawcett


Surrey Now Leader