‘Stop Harper’ signs have got the right idea

I get a picture of an emperor with a fawning court that never dares to challenge or resist.

To the Editor,

In Lantzville, I notice stop signs with ‘Harper’ added below. What is the motivation to add our PM’s name to the emphatic stop? Is the originator as fed up with the Stephen Harper government as I am?

A friend lent me a book, Party of One, by Michael Harris. I checked the library to see its status: There are 96 holds. When these patient people read the book, they will get a comprehensive picture of the extensive damage the PM has done to Canada and why we must stop Harper.

On page 1, a well-known pollster is asked, “Who is in Harper’s inner circle?” The reply, “There is no inner circle. Just a dot.”

I get a picture of an emperor with a fawning court that never dares to challenge or resist. It’s clear. We must stop Harper.

Arlene FekeNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin