Unlike this lady, too many dog owners don’t properly dispose of their pet’s bagged excrement, the Saunders say.

Unlike this lady, too many dog owners don’t properly dispose of their pet’s bagged excrement, the Saunders say.

Stop leaving poop bags hanging


White Rock/South Surrey has been our home for the past 18 years.


White Rock/South Surrey has been our home for the past 18 years. We have been active in many community events, both for ourselves and our daughter. We love the beaches, the recreation amenities, the trails and parks. We love the shops, the people and we say with pride that we live on the Peninsula.

There is one glaring eyesore that seems to be continuing to grow. I can’t stand it when dog owners take their bagged poop and throw it in the bushes, on the side of roads or anywhere but a garbage can.

Why on earth would you go to the trouble of picking up your dog’s feces only to toss it away? You can see these bags of crap hanging like Christmas ornaments and dotting streets and yards like Easter Eggs.

What message does this send? Wouldn’t it be better to leave the ‘doggie doo’ on the ground and let it biodegrade instead of sealing it in plastic (and tossing it)? This is a blatant disrespect for the community and it gives other dog owners a bad name.

I have always stuck to the motto that ‘there are no bad dogs, just bad owners’. In this situation, I can’t think of anything more appropriate to describe this action.

So next time you are walking Fido and you ‘bag the crap’, please do the right thing for the community and dispose of it in the appropriate manner. If you are one of the responsible ones, please do your best to hold the others accountable. If you can’t do this, do us all a favour and get rid of your dog.

Doug and Trish Saunders, Surrey


Peace Arch News