Stop signs have one instruction

Come on people, it’s not rocket science. Those big red hexagonal signs at intersections mean STOP

Come on people, it’s not rocket science. Those big red octagonal signs at intersections mean STOP.

It’s not really a difficult concept to learn. You put your foot on the brake, stop, look both ways and then proceed when it’s safe to do so. Far too many people in this town seem to be ignorant of this basic driving rule.

Those signs that are generally ignored by too many people are those at the railway crossings, where I was almost T-boned this morning by a lady in a minivan who didn’t make the slightest attempt to slow, let alone stop at the crossing on Birch Street.

Perhaps folks think that because the train no longer runs those particular signs don’t count, but until they’re removed, stop before you kill someone!

Gord Bates

Qualicum Beach

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