Stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes

Let's go back to the PST and the GST on the things that weren't taxed before

It’s nice to see there is still much anger directed at those who shoved the HST down our collective throats.   

It is still hard to believe how an apparently professional political party could attempt to pull off such a transparent “you take the fall” trick on the electorate.  

Campbell was the dummy, and now promoted to another cushy job?  These politicians need to ramp up their con games if they are attempting to fool the masses.  

With regards to the massive costs ahead to return to PST and GST, it just might be a good idea to send the bill to the party that took it upon themselves to push such an important tax shuffle through without consulting the people whom it would affect the most —

The independent tax payers of the province. 

The annoying, babbling stick people on TV, and the nice lady on the radio with another hollow promise, are just not doing it for this taxpayer.   

Remove the HST and go back to GST and PST on the myriad of things that were not taxed before.  

Roy DiCastri

Qualicum Beach


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