Stop wasting time on grow-ops

Re: Nakusp RCMP say more grow-op raids to come, Jan. 12


Re: Nakusp RCMP say more grow-op raids to come, Jan. 12

Millions of citizens, in fact nearly half the population disagrees with Cpl. Bryson Hill’s (Nakusp RCMP say more grow-op raids to come, Jan. 12, 2011) claim about busting grow-ops, “It is worth it given the impact it can have.” The relatively safe, extremely popular God-given plant cannabis (marijuana) is here for the duration to time and no amount of extermination can or will change that fact. One thing is certain, citizens will pay and pay and receive nothing but loss. How much does it cost citizens to pay a cop 24 hours of overtime in one day and between 16-20 hours of overtime to get nothing? Who believes anyone is ever going to go without cannabis?


Stan White Dillon, Colorado

Arrow Lakes News