Story about elders passing down traditions enjoyed

Reader enjoys piece on Canim Lake elders teaching traditions to elementary school children

To the editor:

The 100 Mile House Free Press featured a great article recently, headlined Cultural Day offers something old, something new.

The theme was the fun and information supplied by the Canim Lake elders for the Eliza Archie Memorial School pupils, and all about traditional ways.

What a great story! It was beautifully illustrated and well written with colourful details.

From the initial turkey feast served by the youngsters to the elders to the participation of the students in salmon filleting and smoking to the strengthening of traditional customs and the general atmosphere of enjoyment in learning, this article just lit up with enthusiasm.

Hey, I learned a lot, too! And I could almost taste that smoked salmon.

I believe there are newspaper contests and awards for best news coverage: the Free Press should unquestionably enter this article. Congratulations to Carole Rooney, and to all the eager participants out there in Canim Lake.


Barbara Dalby

108 Mile Ranch



100 Mile House Free Press