Street upgrades just take some getting used to

Cities that have made their downtowns more pedestrian-friendly, including closing entire streets, have become more lively.

To the Editor,

Re: Intersections aren’t upgraded, Letters, June 28.

The letter writer laments the changes now underway to improve pedestrian safety. Given that for the last 60 years streets have been designed for motor vehicles, accepting any changes from this norm for the sake of others is going to be uncomfortable.

It is also a common misperception that reducing on-street parking spaces downtown prevents revitalization. Cities that have made their downtowns more pedestrian-friendly, including closing entire streets, have become more lively. Why? Because people feel safer and more relaxed, enjoy themselves more, and are more willing to spend money there.

Changes are not always easy. Eventually we’ll all be asking why we didn’t do this much earlier.

Ian GartshoreNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin