Student voices

Student voices

Tom Fletcher's reaction to the recent Student Strike 4 Climate was inflammatory and condescending.

As an advocate of public education and environmental protection, I was upset by the damaging article by Tom Fletcher, a columnist for Black Press Media (…hijacking our education system…March 28). Fletcher’s reaction to the recent Student Strike 4 Climate was inflammatory and condescending.

On March 15th many BC students, like thousands of others in democratic countries around the world, left their classrooms to stage rallies and protests demanding action on climate change. Their participation was a wonderful example of international solidarity and the role of youth in bringing change, both necessary as our world responds to excessive CO2 levels. To a cynical Fletcher, the students had merely “skipped class” to “yell at elected leaders.” He blamed them for refusing to “carry out (their)… responsibilities.” Really? BC’s youth are Canadians citizens who will inherit the complex problems fossil fuel economies have created. Their solidarity was an organized and peaceful response to a very real world issue and I commend them for participating in the debate.

Finally, Fletcher’s insult of teachers was a cheap shot. He claimed teachers went on strike “generally on behalf of their pocketbooks.” Wrong again. The teacher’s 2014 job action came in response to the complex class size and composition issues. In plain language, BC teachers fought to improve learning conditions for kids. Their actions culminated in the 2016 Supreme Court win for the provincial Teacher’s Federation over the BC Liberal Government, and improved levels of student support in our public schools.

Do your homework, Mr. Fletcher. Check the facts and avoid the too easy slide into glib cynicism.

Margaret Miller | West Creston

Creston Valley Advance