Students have a lot of work to do and need to get back to classrooms

Grade 10 Walnut Grove student asks government and teachers to let schools reopen.

Editor: I do not want to make this your average complaint about B.C teachers. I really wish for someone to take the time to read this and attempt to understand what kind of position my peers and I are in for this coming school year.

Let me explain.

I am a dedicated student at Walnut Grove Secondary in Langley.

I feel with a passion I must voice my concern, for this job action interferes with my Grade 10 year at Walnut Grove. Many people have told me Grade 10 is by far the hardest year of high school.

I personally have seen this work and parts of this curriculum first hand from my friends and some of my amazing teachers at Grove. I sincerely feel like some sort of agreement must be made before school is set to start.  I do not mean to force them into an “agreement” they do not agree to.

I have heard several people circulating information that school will not be in session come September and truly, this is unacceptable. I am incredibly distraught to think I will be missing a month of the hardest year of high school.

Imagine your kids in my position, working incredibly hard in the pursuit of an academic and/or athletic scholarship. I do not feel I may accomplish my goal if the teachers do not come to an agreement before Sept. 2.

I do not just feel like I am in the middle of this dispute, but I also sincerely feel like the government isn’t making enough of an effort for the senior students of British Columbia.

I would also like to bring up the newest issue, regarding the government announcing it will pay $40 a day to parents, for students in B.C. under 13 years old. This is not just unfair, but is also inexcusable.

The message I am getting from the government clearly states it could not care whatsoever about my education or future. Imagine what other families are thinking as well.

What makes me feel wretched is the fact now is the time I require to start thinking about my future. It is as though the government does not care about our future, but our futures impact us greatly.

The government has not realized what a major hiccup it has caused to the senior students specifically. If the government truly cared about the kids (especially senior students) of this province, it will right the wrong and get classrooms back and running in the next couple of weeks.

Teachers have taught me one thing for sure, to solve my problems like an adult without bullying. I strongly suggest the government do the same.

Isabelle Reader,


Langley Times