Studies aren’t solutions

The EDPA law is green fascism – initiation of force for some imagined collective good

What are all the studies about Saanich’s EDPA law going to achieve? Assessed values are a guesstimate, not a way to force purchasers. Actual sales do not have good reference for comparison, as affected properties vary widely and there isn’t a long history.

Asking prices are meaningless, as some people price high, others low for quick sale, and price can be bid up by demand. Some people overpay to get a vacation property here, then sell when they realize they don’t use it enough. Purchasers vary, some will be comfortable with restrictions until they need to sell to pay for residential care as their health deteriorates.

Coun. Judy Brownoff commits the “two wrongs make a right” fallacy by worrying about sunk costs, as the “corridor” push depends on the validity of the original EDPA law.

The environmentalist lawyers of UVic follow Saanich staff’s lead in making false claims about species. Why are those activists being listened to instead of people who have identified what is going on and provided facts?

People behind the EDPA law, and their supporters, work against human life by denying the importance of clear communication and facts instead of word games and fantasies, and by trying to partially confiscate people’s earnings.

Council futzes around instead of accepting what has been clearly demonstrated – the EDPA law is dishonest in its foundation, not just cheaply analyzed and callously implemented by a bureaucracy that can’t even promptly correct the obvious error of classifying buildings and pavement as sensitive ecosystems.

The EDPA law is green fascism – initiation of force for some imagined collective good. It’s a relatively mild version of Nationalsozialistische’s Lebensraum, the same principle on the same foundation – use of emotions as Hitler advocated, instead of facts for human life.

Keith Sketchley



Saanich News