Study effects of marijuana


Re: Legalize pot, say officials, Jan, 5.


Re: Legalize pot, say officials, Jan, 5.

I would support decriminalization and even legalization of pot if three things happened:

1) The short- and long-term effects of smoking pot were fully studied and publicized (memory loss, indolence, cancer, emphysema, impotence, etc.?);

2) Pot were sold only in government liquor stores (along with all tobacco products); and,

3) The police had a quick and reliable method of measuring a pot-smoker’s impairment so that dangerous drivers could be immediately removed from the road.

Jerry Steinberg, Surrey

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As a former frequent recreational pot consumer, I know of the negative effect cannabis smoking can leave behind in a consumer’s body – in my case, a few months after I quit cold-turkey.

Nonetheless, if/when pot consumption does become legalized and regulated, hopefully it will be as progressive of a social move as its proponents adamantly insist it would.

But as with research into the health hazards involved with all legal/regulated mind-altering substances, the same zeal for knowledge must be just as prolifically applied to pot consumption.

Frank G. Sterle, Jr., White Rock

Peace Arch News