Study shows support

The Liberal government of B.C. has promised that it would follow the decision of the study makers. Let’s see if they keep their word

After hundreds of meetings of citizens of the Okanagan-Similkameen area, the group responsible for putting together a report on the establishment of a national park reserve has finally released its study.

The report gives approval for such a park. It is now up to the regional, provincial and federal bureaucrats to listen to the citizens that helped put together this study and advocate for the residents of our district and make sure the recommendations are followed. We have the support of business persons, chambers and ranchers as well as environmentalists to save one of the richest biodiversified parts of Canada for present and future generations.

The Liberal government of B.C. has promised that it would follow the decision of the study makers. Let’s see if they keep their word.

Frank Martens





Penticton Western News