‘Study to explore benefits’

Finds inference suggestion was made for some personal political benefit 'to be quite disheartening'

Editor, The News:

Re: On their own (News Views, Nov. 20).

There are two points which require clarification following the coverage of a letter I recently authored and sent to both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows mayors.

The first is that I suggested the councils approach senior governments for assistance in arranging an independent study to determine if amalgamation makes sense at this time.

The intent of the study would be to explore the benefits and challenges of such an arrangement and make recommendations on how those challenges could be addressed.

I suggested they do so if they can’t come up with another arrangement which would deliver equivalent benefits to those we have enjoyed for the past 20 years under the current parks agreement.

Any proposed change in governance structures should always be preceded by thorough research and extensive public consultation so that those being asked to consider the change can do so as fully informed citizens.

The second has to do with my motivation for writing to the councils.

The editorial suggested I may want the job of mayor of an amalgamated city.

Let me be absolutely clear: I have no interest in such a position.

I felt I had a responsibility to share my thoughts with the councils because I had a role in authoring and managing the parks and leisure services agreement and have served both communities at the same time for 22 years.

I find the inference that I made the suggestion for some personal political benefit to be quite disheartening.

More importantly, this discussion isn’t about me. It is about how the two municipal governments who serve our citizens can re-establish the degree of collaboration between them which will deliver the benefits our citizens deserve.

Mike Murray, chair

Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows

school board


Maple Ridge News