Submission deadline nears

Written submissions to the Joint Review Panel for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline will be accepted until Aug. 31

Written submissions to the Joint Review Panel for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline will be accepted until Aug. 31. Although public hearings on the project will continue, only participants who signed up a year ago will be able to present. After Aug. 31, the majority of British Columbians will not be able to comment further to the Joint Review Panel.

We feel that people in B.C. should learn more about these important hearings and the pipeline project. Besides the potential for caustic bitumen spills along rivers and coastlines, the project will likely result in higher gas prices across B.C. The pipeline will enable the sale of caustic bitumen at a much higher price to foreign markets. This will benefit companies (many foreign owned) and some levels of government. For consumers in B.C., higher prices will mean paying more to fill up on Canadian fuel. The financial benefits to British Columbians will be washed away by higher prices, while B.C. bears a huge portion of the public risk.

We feel strongly that Canadians should learn more about the project and make a statement before the Aug. 31 deadline. Visit online to learn how to comment.

Cameron Baughen





Penticton Western News