Subsidized child care can change your life

Dear editor,

Having supported child care in the early '70s changed my life.

Dear editor,

Having supported child care in the early ’70s changed my life.

I was a young, single mother trying to get my teaching credentials. With child care assistance I was able to have my toddlers in care while I finished school.

Since 1974 I have been a self-supporting, tax-paying, home-owning, very grateful mother of two children who were also given a chance in life with me.

People who have family supports may not understand how vital day care can be and how it can change lives in the same way that those who do not have children or grandchildren in school may not know the tremendous difference five fewer students in a classroom makes. B.C. now has the largest average class size in Canada!

Thanks to the Liberals, child poverty, increased class sizes, hospital wait times, all have deteriorated.

Yes, we do live in Beautiful B.C., but we are not caring for our most vulnerable.

I don’t think the environment, a strong economy, and caring for the needs of all are mutually exclusive. We can have a society where we don’t tear down the one to build up the other.

We are so fortunate to live in this peaceful, natural part of the world, which is British Columbia, and we can have a society which cares for all.

Kay Kennedy,



Comox Valley Record