Sugar is oh so sweet, but it drains vitality

The mainstream media largely ignore what could be the No. 1 health issue of our time.

Re: Sugar is a temptation, not nutrition, Opinion, March 7.

I am glad to see a column on the seductive dangers of sugar. The mainstream media largely ignore what could be the No. 1 health issue of our time.

Not only is sugar lacking nutrition, digesting refined sugar actually requires our bodies to use up nutrients. So sugar should rightly be called an ‘anti-nutrient.’ Not only does it give us glucose spikes and crashes, it ultimately drains us of vitality. No wonder we crave more of our favourite addiction.

The bad news doesn’t stop here. According to some studies, cancers feast on refined sugars, helping their cells to grow and spread more rapidly. Sugar also invokes inflammation, leading to a whole host of illnesses including immune problems and build-up in our arteries (leading to heart attacks, strokes and memory loss).

I have as big of a sweet tooth as any of your readers and so totally understand why so many people are unwilling to reduce or give up sugar – especially when it is found in almost all processed foods, including many table salts. But if we don’t want to destroy our health and overwhelm our health care system we need to take responsibility for ourselves by eating and drinking healthy.

Thank you to Marjorie Stewart’s monthly food articles for guiding us in this effort.

Ian GartshoreNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin