Suggestions for civic hopefuls


Since moving into White Rock three years ago, we have learned a lot from our current councillors.


Since moving into White Rock three years ago, we have learned a lot from our current councillors.

We recognize they love our city. Based on our observations, might we offer some suggestions for people running for councillor or mayor in November.

Don’t become a councillor if you think it will make you crabby. Don’t become a councillor if you haven’t time to reply to all people, not just a selected few. Your pledge to the city is to communicate, not to ignore.

For those who are unaware, city policy states that all paid employees must reply within five days. We have been waiting to hear from the majority of our present councillors for more than a year now – thank you Coun. Helen Fathers and Mayor Catherine Ferguson for your courtesy in replying to our enquiries.

Don’t become a councillor if you don’t have the decency to keep from telling your family privileged info discussed in ‘in-camera’ meetings, especially if they can’t be discreet.

Don’t become a councillor if all you intend to do is show up at public meetings and not genuinely listen. Remember, the public’s time is just as valuable as yours.

Don’t become a councillor if your other job doesn’t allow you to show up at the majority of council meetings, public meetings, etc. Leave the seat open for someone else who can represent White Rock.

How else will you know what the public’s different points of view are?

Don’t depend on city staff reports.

Don’t become a councillor if you don’t have a backbone to stand up and vote independently from your fellow crony councillors.

Don’t become a councillor if you are not willing to apply city bylaws and the Community Charter. Don’t become a councillor if you will give in to the path of least resistance.

Finally, don’t become a councillor if you are not willing to recognize that, on the whole, citizens of White Rock compose of a smart group of people. Please also realize these same citizens can at times feel incredibly incompetent when having to deal with the City of White Rock.

If any present councillors wish to finally reply to us, we will gladly get back to you after the election.

S. & D. Wilson, White Rock

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As we say goodbye to our one-term-wonder mayor, I look around our city and two things still come to mind – transportation and economy.

I still believe we need an Amtrak station in White Rock and TransLink needs to get much better bus service, like a direct bus to Langley.

I depend on the bus. At present, it takes me two hours to Langley by bus, 30 minutes by car.

I feel that if we spruced up our transportation hubs, it would mean more visitors and more dollars for our city businesses.

Good luck to the next council – we will be watching you!

Dan Hatcher, White Rock


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