Summer beverages can pack a caloric wallop

Lawn mowing season has begun and, for many, this also marks the beginning of beer-drinking season.

Lawn mowing season has begun and, for many, this also marks the beginning of beer-drinking season.

There is something wonderful about coming home after a hard day of work and cracking open a nice cold beer to enjoy on your patio. This habit would not be so bad except that, for many of us, that one beer turns into three… or six.

Soon, from a calorie perspective, you might as well have gone to MacDonald’s, had a super-value meal and stopped at DQ on your way home (and believe it or not, there is more nutritional value in your fast-food meal, than your six-pack).

An average beer has about 150 calories per can. Light beers are about 100 and strong beers are closer to 200 (due to higher alcohol content).

For those who don’t like beer, wine still has about 120 calories for a 5 oz. glass, and some mixed drinks, such as margaritas or pina coladas, more 500 calories (1.5 ounces of hard liquor is 100 calories, before anything is mixed in).

Furthermore, once you are in the “happy state,” you are less likely to go for a jog or make good decisions about what you eat. Beer goes nicely with salted nuts (another 800 calories per cup) and you can see how quickly these habits can lead to weight gain.

The important message is moderation. Most health associations (like the Canadian Diabetes Association or Heart and Stroke) allow for one to two drinks per day. Unfortunately, these cannot be banked for a weekend binge.

To enjoy responsibly, remember these tips:

• Keep only one or two beers in your fridge at a time. Leave the others on the shelf where they will be warm and unappealing.

• Make yourself drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink.

• For mixed drinks, use lower-calorie mixers such as diet pop, soda water or lots of ice.

• Sip your alcohol, rather than chug (similar to chewing your food well).

• Make a list of chores/activities that must get accomplished before cracking a drink (because, let’s be honest, they won’t get done afterwards).

• Stop using your ride-on mower and opt for a push mower. This way, you burn off the calories you will enjoy in your beer.

– Serena Caner is a registered dietician who works at Shuswap Lake General Hospital.

Salmon Arm Observer