Summer shows Sicamous picking up momentum

Numerous events and other activities show push is on to better community.

For quite a while now Sicamous has been a town of seasonal ups and downs – really busy in the summer and fairly quiet in the winter.

Okay, maybe not entirely quiet in the winter, thanks to the efforts of the Eagle Valley Snowmobile Club to promote and enhance the local industry.

When it comes to the sheer number of visitors coming to town, summer has been generally kind to Sicamous.

It would be easy to take this success for granted – perhaps in the past it was to some degree. But that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

Just look at all the stuff going on this summer. Considering the number of major events happening between Canada Day and the August long weekend, Sicamous has got to be the most hopping community in the Shuswap.

Really, what other community has had a day of road hockey games visited by famous NHL’ers topped with a fireworks display? A vintage car show ending with a free outdoor concert? A weekend motorcycle event with a  family-friendly twist that draws riders from all over B.C. and Alberta? Numerous high-calibre ball tournaments? Then there’s this Saturday’s family fun day of sun, sand, games and a circus performance. And there’s more in store in August.

It’s not just the events, however – there’s much more going on in the community that suggests change is afoot. Some of it may not be as flashy but is still impressive, like the community gardens and strawberry planters that have popped up around town.

Other things currently being pursued behind the scenes –a new official community plan, a development corporation and a community identity – will no doubt add to this momentum.

Ideally, the net result will be a lasting impression that Sicamous is a great community in which to live, work and, yes, play – not just during the summer, but year round.


Eagle Valley News