Summerland writers present their words

The library is going to host the second spoken word event to take place in Summerland this year.

Last week I talked about a discussion happening at the library on Saturday, March 12 that will focus on how libraries are important to writers and what tools they might provide that aid in the process of getting words on a page.

As luck would have it, the library is going to be showing off one of those ways later that night when they host the second spoken word event to take place in Summerland this year — the first event, for those who don’t remember happened back at the beginning of February at the Rebekah Hall.

The format is going to be a little different this time around, as instead of inviting writers from around Summerland to participate, this event is open to anyone who walks through the door, meaning that if you’ve written something, it could be anything, really, that you want to share with the world, this is your chance.

One of the really nice things about this event is that it’s not limited to a certain genre or type of writing or performing and they’re really encouraging people to come out and be creative.

You can use music to enhance your performance, there’s the ability to blend a wide range of media into your presentation, so if you’re interested, be creative.

The only limitation is that you have four minutes to do your thing, which might not be enough time to read your new novel, but you’ll have time to give the world a taste.

The event starts at 7 p.m. at the Summerland Library and admission is by donation to Friends of the Summerland Library.

Even if you don’t feel like reading something, this is a great chance to see how much talent can be found in Summerland.

Coming up the following Monday, March 14, the always popular Cod Gone Wild are bringing their show to Summerland as part of their St. Patrick’s Day tour.

This is sure to be a high energy show that’s going to have your feet tapping and will leave you fighting the urge to jump up and start dancing, making this the perfect event to help shake away those Monday blues.

If you’ve never had the chance to check out Cod Gone Wild before, there’s never been a better opportunity to see this full-tilt Celtic band do their thing at Centre Stage Theatre.

The show starts at 7 p.m. and tickets are available at the Summerland Arts Centre on Main St.

Be sure to check this one out. You won’t regret it.

Douglas Paton is a Summerland writer and musician. If you know of a local arts and culture event, contact him at


Summerland Review