Super Hornets a waste of money

Dear editor,

Trudeau’s buy of the so-called Super Hornets will forever put the defence of Canada at extreme risk. Russia, our northern neighbour, is building many new airfields in their north, to house their new stealth fighter (T-50) which has the range now to reach our northern base at Alert, and as the DEWLine is blind to stealth the Russians have the capability (with air refuelling) to fly right down to Ottawa without being seen with a bomb for 24 Sussex Drive, Trudeau’s Trump Tower.

The Super Hornet will be dead meat for the Russian T-50s, and will all be lost in the first pass. Super Hornets cannot see stealth fighters.

Trudeau is obviously abandoning NORAD when the USA, our partners, have built up their stealth fighters in Alaska (the F-22) by two dozen. Wonder why?

The buy of Super Hornets is like buying a Model A Ford, putting a V-8 in it and calling it a Mustang. The S’Hornet is a 50-year-old airframe (CF-18) with new junk in the cockpit.

There are only two fighter aircraft Canada should be interested in: the F-22 or the F-35.

Syd Burrows

Wing Cmdr. Fighter Pilot (retired)





Comox Valley Record