Support an end to grizzly hunt

Re: NDP promises to end trophy hunt for grizzly bears in B.C. if elected in May

Re: NDP promises to end trophy hunt for grizzly bears in B.C. if elected in May.

I have been an advocate for grizzly bears since Gordon Campbell overturned the NDP’s three-year moratorium on the hunt in July, 2001— after a mere four months.

Finally after 15 long years and more than 5,000 dead grizzly bears later (a third female, some with cubs, some fertile) the NDP are back to help. Thank you NDP Leader John Horgan for listening and showing leadership on this issue.

In 2001, many British Columbians like myself were just waking up to the fact that we even had a twice-annual, highly-prized grizzly hunt. Most of us only knew hunting from what was put on our family’s table, not by a rug on the floor or head on the wall.

So, after all these years, depending on the outcome of the May election, B.C.’s dysfunctional split personality toward our amazing, iconic great bears may finally be put right. We love our bears, the world loves our bears and we need a government to love and respect our bears.

I will work hard to see that the NDP becomes our next government and lives up to their promise to end the trophy hunt of grizzly bears, once and for all. We desperately need a government which governs for the majority of its citizens and stewards over our precious wildlife and their habitat.

Barbara Murray

Nanoose Bay

Parksville Qualicum Beach News