Support ban on horse slaughter

A horse slaughter house is now operating in B.C. I can’t tell you how upsetting this is and how heart-breaking.

A horse slaughter house is now operating in B.C. I can’t tell you how upsetting this is and how heart-breaking. Do we pride ourselves on being civilized and caring when we allow these beautiful, intelligent animals to be rounded up and killed in a very cruel, inhumane way? Would you please think about it, care about it and do something? Animals are not unfeeling objects. They have emotions like you and me. Horses have built this country — they were our means of transportation, plowing crops, fighting our wars and most everything in our lives in the not-so-distant past.

I remember. I was there.

Now, draft horses are particularly sought out because added pounds means added dollars. Thousands of horses in Canada have been slaughtered. How can this possibly be tolerated?

Pending is a Support Bill C-322 to “ban horse slaughter for human consumption overseas.” Perhaps it is too much to hope that this bill will be passed, but we must try.

S. Lyall


Salmon Arm Observer