Support for science: Strahl

University presidents and academic leaders are lining up in support of our government’s research and innovation agenda.

Re: Strahl turns his back on science

While my Liberal colleague from Kingston and the Islands, Ted Hsu, has demonstrated his flair for the political theatre with his letter to the editor, the facts prove his “death of evidence” routine is pure fiction.

The truth is last year alone our government provided over $11 billion in investments in support of science and technology. These investments are leading to jobs, economic growth and long-term prosperity for Canadians.

Just recently, the Conservative government unveiled Canada’s contribution to the James Webb Space Telescope, the successor to the famed Hubble Space Telescope.

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is contributing two-in-one technology that will direct the telescope with incredible precision. It has been dubbed “Canadaeyes” because it is on the same scale of importance as the Canadarm.

With a track record like that, it is not surprising that university presidents and academic leaders are lining up in support of our government’s research and innovation agenda.

Kingston’s own Daniel Woolf, Principal of Queen’s University, said of our recent budget that “a significant investment to enhance university-industry partnerships is a strong statement of the government’s confidence in universities, and our researchers, and their role in innovation.”

Perhaps before writing his next diatribe, Mr. Hsu should do a little more research.  He could start at the university in his own backyard.


Mark Strahl, MP

Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon

Chilliwack Progress