Support for stand on Lyme

Re: Support for Lyme clinic withdrawn, Observer, Sept. 18. I also support CanLyme’s withdrawal of support.

Re: Support for Lyme clinic withdrawn, Observer, Sept. 18.

I also support CanLyme’s withdrawal of support.  The clinic does not even begin to address core need of Lyme patients.

Dr. Henry’s words are double-speak, in my opinion. If they had indeed been listening to stakeholders, they would understand that the Band-Aid solutions like meditation, change of diet, etc do nothing to address the underlying cause of Lyme disease: bacteria.

If there was an actual intent to help people with Lyme disease, the government commissioned Schmidt report addressed those issues, but sadly it has been swept under the carpet never to see the light of day.

For anyone interested in this secret report only brought to light by a freedom of information request (which suspiciously prompted announcement of a new clinic the very next day), here is the link and background info:

People with Lyme disease will continue to suffer and be de-insured by our free health-care system because ‘supposed’ leaders in health care do not have any expertise and continue to spout archaic doctrine versus evolving science.

This is a huge mistake for all Canadians. With the new U.S. figures of 300,000 cases of Lyme versus 30,000, Canada has a serious denial problem on their hands reporting only 258 cases.

Readers, I suggest you do the math while looking at a map of our borders and look to the CanLyme Foundation for accurate information.

Chris Powell


Salmon Arm Observer