Supporting foot ferry a ‘no-brainer’

How can Island Ferries proposal be anything but a no-brainer on the part of Nanaimo? A comparatively tiny and temporary concession.

To the Editor,

Re: Foot ferry owners lobby community to support plan, Nov. 19.

After watching the local business and political communities tussle to avoid being left out of the photo-ops related to the frequent multimillion dollar gifting of taxpayer money to the privately owned and operated Nanaimo Airport – an airport which provides no tangible benefit to the community beyond that of those actually using the facility, an airport which remains at a competitive disadvantage to Comox and which, within several of its Nanaimo Airport master plans, has observed that the lower costs associated with floatplane and foot passenger ferry services operated out of Nanaimo harbour undermine the viability of the airport’s expansion plans – how can Bob Lingwood’s Island Ferries proposal be anything but a no-brainer on the part of Nanaimo? A comparatively tiny and temporary concession to Island Ferries that is coupled with an actual return on City “investment” in the very, near future?

David S. DunawaySouth Wellington

Nanaimo News Bulletin