Surfside RV would be a good buy

Recently, I saw that Surfside RV was for sale. I sent the information to Bill Neufeld, suggesting this could be a good acquisition

Re: John Harding’s editorial ‘Try negotiating a price now, city’ (The NEWS, Aug. 12).

Recently, I saw that the Surfside RV Resort was being offered for sale. I sent the information to Bill Neufeld, suggesting that this could be a good long-term acquisition, and addition to the beach park, for the City of Parksville to make. I asked Bill Neufeld to bring this forward to council.

I felt that, as the City of Parksville was also looking at developing a trail system and bridge over the Englishman River, with an eventual tie in with Rathtrevor Park and Resort row, that the acquisition of Surf Side RV resort would be a natural for the city to make. I will also add, that the City of Parksville has already purchased a piece of property at the foot of Shelly Road, as part of the process of developing the trail from the beach park to Rathtrevor Park and Resort row.

I sat on one of the recent OCP review committees. One thing that came through loud and clear from people was that the beach front was a tremendous asset for the city, and it must be protected at all costs. Plus, may people felt that it should be added to if possible.

I do not feel that bringing this up in council was any form of grand standing at all. I do not want any of these, or other similar discussions to be made in camera. I want them to happen in full view of the citizens of Parksville, and with their full input.

Yes, we have an election coming up. One that will see elected municipal officials now serve four-year terms. I want to hear from potential candidates where they stand on issues such as this.  Where they feel the direction of the City of Parksville should go. I feel that issues, such as a potential purchase of Surf Side RV Resort as an addition to the City of Parksville park land, should be made in open council meetings, and the Citizens of Parksville having ample opportunity for comment and input.

I would also like to hear where the other election candidates sit on this issue, and others like it.

Norman Patterson


Parksville Qualicum Beach News