Surgery needed

Pensioner says time to finish shelled-in floors at VJH is now

I have just been informed by my doctor that after seeing my MRI, I need surgery.

On my left shoulder, I have a very bad tear and that is why I have so much pain.

Then he informed me that he could operate in another year or 18 months. I can’t believe this.

The pain I have is so bad that I am on 80 millilitres a day of morphine plus other pain killers. They do not help much. I am a pensioner and retired. Unfortunately, while our community and its surrounding area has grown so much and so fast, our local hospital resources have not kept pace.

Therefore, Vernon Jubilee Hospital has an inadequate number of beds to allow its doctors to look after the sick and injured, let alone those who require scheduled admission for a surgical or diagnostic procedure.

Most of the residents of Vernon and local area know that our new tower opened in September of last year.

When the new tower opened in September, it had two top floors that were left empty and unfurnished.

These floors are shelled-in for use as acute care wards sometime in the future.

Also, the tower opened with two shelled-in operating rooms for completion at a later date.

Our provincial government and the Interior Health Authority will not commit to a date to complete these two acute care floors and two operating rooms.

We say the time to finish them in now.

Bill Tullett, North Okanagan





Vernon Morning Star