Surprise! Council doing a good job

Letters to the editor

Being a small business person and operating in Campbell River for over thirty years, I was shocked when I received B.C. Municipal Spending Watch from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.

I was shocked, in a real nice way, because I surely didn’t expect that our city was doing the very best in controlling expenses in all cities in British Columbia, with a population of over twenty five thousand.  Campbell  River  was ninth overall. ( that being all towns in B.C. regardless of size). This favorable report  does not  let our elected officials and bureaucrats totally off the hook , as our operating spending is still not in line with inflation and population growth. It is however close and to my surprise; they have done a great job for us over the last few years.  We thank our Mayor and council, keep control of those expenses.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Keep up the good work.

Dan Borton

Campbell River


Campbell River Mirror