Surrey deserves SkyTrain service along Fraser Highway

Build a parking lot there for travelers from Langley and Cloverdale, with reasonable parking rates for the day.

The LRT planned by Mayor Linda Hepner and council will be stalled with accidents in intersections, five feet of snow during winter storms, increased costs expropriating land down Fraser Highway and the extra costs and time removing trees in Green Timbers to allow for six lanes, including the LRT.


We deserve the SkyTrain be extended down Fraser Highway median to Clayton Heights. Build a parking lot there for travellers from Langley and Cloverdale, with reasonable parking rates for the day.

With the fare gates working and compass cards in use this system will pay for the extension in Surrey in a very few years as the trains will be full and fast with no stalls or changing trains.

No to LRT.

Yes to SkyTrain down Fraser Highway.


Sandi Walton


Surrey Now Leader