Surrey needs its urban forests, too

With the city’s growing population, there will soon be nothing but buildings and highrises.

Re: Developing land adjacent to Green Timbers Urban Forest.

Doesn’t anybody at Surrey City Hall care about the future? Don’t any of them have grandchildren?

Please, leave this treed area at 140 Street and Green Timbers Way alone. We need this natural green space. Soon, with our huge population expansion, there will be nothing but buildings, highrises, three-level townhouses and mega-homes for the rich.

Please leave the people of Surrey and the wildlife some place to feel the quiet and for the animals to live.

Remember when then-mayor Don Ross just about turned Green Timbers Lake into a sports field? Are we going to let Mayor Linda Hepner get away with the same thing or are we going to fight for our public land?

What about the 104 Centre on 104 Avenue? How long has that been sitting empty? One city event is held there each year. Why can’t this be used for some of these needs they are talking about? What about the huge property at 64 Avenue and King George Boulevard?

Developers don’t seem to have any trouble finding land on which build. I am so sad to see so many of the green spaces in our city being destroyed.

Yes, we have some very beautiful parks and spaces, but please, we need the health, peace, and natural beauty of what’s left of our urban forests, too.

Come on Surreyites, fight for the land that we should have a say in.


K. Bleasby

Surrey Now Leader