South Surrey resident Raquel Padilla still worries for her now-homeless family in Capiz, The Philippines, which was devastated by Typhoon Haiyan on Nov. 7.

South Surrey resident Raquel Padilla still worries for her now-homeless family in Capiz, The Philippines, which was devastated by Typhoon Haiyan on Nov. 7.

Surrey student urges generosity in wake of Typhoon Haiyan

Every natural disaster can cause human misery, but humanitarian aid can play a valuable role in providing comfort and alleviating agony.

I share My deepest sorrow and sincere sympathy with the Filipino community after the powerful typhoon tragedy in which thousands of people were killed.

It is believed one of the worst typhoons in the world’s history. Wind speed was unbelievable at more than 315 km/h and caused major devastation and destruction.

Tears rolled from my eyes while I watched news on how the natural calamity damaged the life, property, and belongings of people in the Philippines – snatching loved ones and making human beings helpless.

Every natural disaster can cause human misery, but humanitarian aid can play a valuable role in providing comfort and alleviating agony.

Canadians and people around the globe are offering all kinds of assistance to the Philippines.

At this critical time, each of us should take part in this generosity, be helpful to the Filipino community and do whatever we can do according to our ability.

Efforts should be accelerated to ensure all assistance reaches those in need on time.

Let’s extend whole-hearted support and create hope and inspiration in the Philippines so women, children, and other people get an opportunity to restore their future.

Aadila Patel, student, Princess Margaret Secondary

Editor’s note: The federal government has pledged to match $1 for for every dollar donated by Canadians to typhoon relief charites until Dec. 8.

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