A letter writer is happy about the city’s budgeting for flower beds along Fraser Highway.

A letter writer is happy about the city’s budgeting for flower beds along Fraser Highway.

Surrey’s highway to scenery

Change is good, and so I’m taking a new route for the morning commute.

Fraser Highway has plantings in the median and they are flourishing and flowering now in late June. What an unlikely place for a plant to thrive, blasted by exhaust fumes and whipped by the wind of passing cars.

Mounds of coral and bubble gum pink roses are inter-planted with purple echinacea and the many coloured grasses that have become so popular. Wind and grass are wonderful companions and they ripple and sway as the cars roar past.

I love the chartreuse foliage of the spirea. Their muted dusky rose flower heads have a wistful feel of gardens of an age past.

Some master gardener hired for the task selected these plants for their hardiness and ability to thrive I’m sure. City planners have many demands on their coffers. I’m so thankful that Langley and Surrey have budgeted for beauty.


Glenda Penner

Surrey Now Leader