Survey left me shaking my head

I received one of those strange telephone calls making the rounds last week regarding Fish Lake.

I received one of those strange telephone calls making the rounds last week regarding Fish Lake. The questions in this kind of telephone survey are often slanted but some asked in this one were tacky. Like the one asking to evaluate an individual. All in all the survey left some of us shaking our heads.

We were asked to rate Taseko Mines Ltd. as an employer. All I know is that the Gibraltar union voted 99 per cent to strike, then didn’t have to.

How do you rate that? Being nosey, I called the survey number back (usually surveys come from “unknown” callers.)  “Campaign Research” answered. I Googled and found one listing for a Campaign Research — if it’s the same one — as a “Tory Pollster censured for misleading phone calls against a Liberal MP.” Another had that company defending.

Whatever, I’d like to know who  dreamed up the questions. In my opinion, whoever paid for the poll should get their money back.


The province is planning to give $100,000  to doctors who will work in rural communities for three years. It seems to be aimed at “foreign” doctors. What about making that kind of  deal with B.C. students to encourage them to go to medical school?


The federal government approved a recent live “reality” TV documentary that showed border guards removing illegal immigrants from a construction site. I don’t agree with illegal or temporary foreign workers taking jobs that can be done by Canadians, but what about the companies that employ these workers? Do they face any consequences from what must be an illegal act?


Is it not  ironic that the Pacific Salmon has been chosen B.C.’s official fish just when the species is being threatened on all sides by fish farms, run of the river hydro  projects, loss of  habitat, climate change, disease etc, etc?

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian, and book author.

Williams Lake Tribune