Swimmers almost struck by boat

A big white boat with a black stripe on it and a green and blue floatie behind it came speeding into the swim zone and almost hit us.

Dear Editor:

My name is Sophie Eaton and I am nine years old. On July 27, my cousin Madeline, who is 12, and I were swimming back from the buoy at Powell Beach when a big white boat with a black stripe on it and a green and blue floatie behind it came speeding into the swim zone and almost hit us.

The driver was not paying attention but someone on the boat saw us and told the driver, who managed to turn just in the nick of time.

He didn’t hit us, but did drive over the buoy.

The floatie had two teens on it and it went over the top of me, hitting me on the head and scratching my finger.

Thankfully, we were both okay — scared but okay.

My mom called the police and that made me feel better in case the boat did it again.

Boat drivers should drive their boats just like a car and stay out of the swim zone.

Sophie Eaton

Madeline Ludwig



Summerland Review