Swimming and fishing don’t mix

Fishing at Davidson’s Pool, also known as Hot Rocks, is like casting a line at a public swimming pool.

Editor, The News:

Fishing at Davidson’s Pool, also known as Hot Rocks, is like casting a line at a public swimming pool.

Not only is it extremely dangerous and disrespectful to local swimmers, it doesn’t even make sense. You’re not going to catch a fish where people are yelling, jumping and swimming.

On July 2, I was swimming at Hot Rocks, and I noticed someone was fishing. He was using a hook and almost hit various people repeatedly while casting his rod. Once he almost hit me.

Currently there are no bylaws that state ‘no fishing’ in the area, but there should be, because Maple Ridge does not need any locals who swim and tube in the area regularly to have an eye poked out or a chunk of their arm ripped off.

Some kind of change needs to happen regarding fishing regulations at local swimming holes that are rapidly growing as the population increases north of the Alouette River.

I would like to propose a designated swimming area with fishing regulations that bar any fishing within 100 metres of Davidson Pool, or Hot Rocks.

The use of tobacco products should also be prohibited to protect the air quality and ensure a cleaner environment along our valuable river systems, which provide an essential habitat to B.C.’s river ecology.

Once in place, these regulations should be posted on signage throughout the park area so there is no confusion.

Lucas Le Van-Watson,

age 11

Maple Ridge News